Gen 1

Chapter 1.5

Imagine: It’s 4am and you’re outside gardening in your mom’s garden.

Not even a CHANCE you’d catch me doing that.

Well, welcome back to my Legendary Legacy everyone!

So I’m still not exactly sure what I actually want the Legends to DO, but right now I guess we’ll just focus on completing aspirations and careers.

I might do a version of a random legacy with them as well just to add a little bit of extra spice lol


Besides ma’am, you have a full house. There will be no more babies

I figured with four of the kiddos at child age, I figured another bathroom upstairs was in order.

Tile mural just for fun

Yeah, that was an empty plate when you picked it up. Not sure what kind of food you thought you were going to get off of that…

Neon hit top-notch toddler! Woohoo!

Woo! Homework session!

Y’all need to be good students.

And Radon, you need to keep your side-eye under control.

Radon: I can’t help it, it’s just my face

Uh huh

Gurlllll same. I feel this want on a very personal level

Josie got a promotion! Woo!!!

And she looks SUPER thrilled about it lol

Oh. Oh no. I do not approve of this N.A.P.


Oh nooooo. I don’t want any of these.

You guys don’t object to me changing them do you? Good. Because I’m gonna do it anyway lol

Awe, look at Daichi being a good hubby and cleaning the toilet!

You’re gonna fix it too, right?

So both Josie and Daichi had this pop up come up… I had never seen this before.

And then I noticed they both had this moodlet

Somehow, they both ended up with the same fear. Great.

Now if you two would actually WORK at getting a promotion, we wouldn’t have this problem

It’s Neon’s birthday! Woo!

And here she is after her makeover!

Huh. Didn’t realize that Daichi and Lily were such good friends lol

We took the kiddos out skating for a day!

Poor Helium was left home alone while the rest of the family was gone.

Someone has skills to finish

Helium finally maxed all of her toddler skills!

Our random neighbor came by and did some gardening for us.

That was kind of him.

Quick house update! I’m liking it.

But I feel like it’s too big.

Here’s the back.

I have a very strong urge to tear it down and start over.

Maybe next generation.

Maybe that’s what we do every generation is we re-build the house lol

Daichi had the “Fear of Unfulfilled Dreams” fear, so we did a want and talked about it and now we’re CONFIDENT!

I’m really enjoying the addition of fears to the game

Not as chaotic as TS2 fears, but still. It’s something

noooooooooooooooooooooooooo my cake!!!!

I needed that!

Because it’s a birthday day! Argon has become a teen!

(i missed the cake shot because my game didn’t pause… even though I pressed the button…)

Well, today is friday afternoon, so we won’t actually get to play with the new high school stuff yet, we’ll have to wait for that lol

Argon is pretty handsome though! I’d be happy with him as heir!

Oh look! It’s also Helium’s birthday!

And here she is after her makeover! I love her so much! I’m actually in love with her outfit!

I wish there was an option to save outfits so that we can quick style sims. Because the default styled looks are ooooooooold

Also: Yaaaaayyyyyy! No more toddlers!

Homework session! “Supervised” by Daichi

And this is when I realized that we don’t have a thermostat.

I should probably sell some old school projects so that we can afford one.

WAIT! JUST KIDDING! I FOUND ONE! I just didn’t have it on… Sorry Argon

Another reason why I want to bulldoze is because of the SUPER weird layout. And the fact that there’s no good place to put a back door lol

But we’re like halfway through this generation so I’m not going to worry about it for the rest of this generation

So I forgot to mention that I gave Argon one of the new teen aspirations. He’ll get a regular aspiration when he ages up to YA

But for now, this means that we have to join an After-school activity!

So we joined the football team!

YAAASSSSS! Radon is going through the bear phase! This is literally my favorite phase in this game lol

Daichi and Argon practice some football.

Daichi is terrible…

Can someone explain to me how Sidney and Argon already have a negative relationship when we’ve not even met Sidney? We’ve not even been to school! So I don’t even know how he knows Noah, Sidney, or Teulia…

Yeah… I’m not going to that. I’m not going to Prom today! We haven’t even been to high school yet!

Poor Argon is just trying to do his homework. It’s gotta be hard to concentrate with all the chattering going on at the table lol

I have to say, the “offer legal representation” daily task is THE MOST ANNOYING

4am Sunday rolls around and most of the family is sleeping. Except for Argon who’s on his way to bed and Radon who thought that this was a good time to do some extra credit work.

Well, that’s wraps up this chapter! Join us next time for some more legendary fun!

Oh god… I’ll stop now… Yikes.
